Action Wake Park T-Shirt Design Contest
How do I enter this super cool contest?
Competitors are to design their custom T-Shirts and email them to dakota@actionwater.com in a high resolution PNG file. Designs must be sent to Dakota by Monday July 22nd to be Judged! There are no rules or guidelines besides they must be family friendly, and “Action Wake Park” must be utilized in the designs. Let your creativity flow!
All T-shirt designs will be proofed and then voted on in house before the top designs will be put Head to Head against one another on the Action Wake Park Instagram story, letting the audience decide which one they prefer! Each day we will cut the field in half until we are left with just one final design! This design will then be printed and sold at Action Wake Park!
Disclaimer: We have the right to pull down any design from the contest at any time!
Prizes for the Final 4:
- 4th Place – 2, 2HR Passes w/ Rentals
- 3rd Place – 2, 2HR Passes w/ Rentals
- 2nd Place – 5 Pack of 2HR Passes w/ Rentals
- 1st Place – 5 Pack of 2HR Passes w/ Rentals, their design will be printed and sold at AWP, Gets a free shirt from their printed design!