Why I Ride: Fletcher Huberts

I wakeboarded for the first time when I was 9 years old behind a 1962 Aerocraft. Looking back that was probably a very odd boat to start on. Fletcher
Fletcher Huberts
It has been super fun watching Fletcher progress year after year. Coming off his best season yet, Fletcher is ready to rip for 2017!
Where are you from?
Hudsonville, MI
How & when did you start wakeboarding?
I wakeboarded for the first time when I was 9 years old behind a 1962 Aerocraft. Looking back that was probably a very odd boat to start on.
How did you start cable wakeboarding?
When I was 10 my parents brought me to a good old place called Placid Wake Park in Allendale, MI. It was there that I was introduced to cable riding. But, I was truly introduced to full cable riding the first year I went to WWA Cable Nationals at Terminus in GA. At that time the idea of a full cable blew my mind.
What makes cable wakeboarding different than riding behind the boat? Which do you prefer?
The biggest difference from boat riding is the abundance of fun rails to hit that for the most part you don’t find in traditional boat wakeboarding. I prefer cable riding over boat because I feel it allows for more creativity with your riding.
What was your experience like at Action Wake Park this summer?
It was a blast! I learned to get out of my comfort zone with new tricks. I found a great community of riders and managed to find more enjoyment in the sport than I knew was possible.
What was your favorite aspect about AWP?
AWP has a community of genuinely good and accepting people. If you ever need help with a specific trick or want some tips on how to get started you can just ask someone around you and they will be happy to help. You could not wish for a better group of people.
What was your favorite feature at AWP?
It has to be the kicker. There’s nothing that can replace the sensation of soaring through the air.
What is your best memory at AWP?
Definitely has to be the last few weeks of the season when they crafted together what I liked to call Unitzilla. Watching everyone (including myself) learn how to hit it, and what possibilities it opened up was the best example of pure progression I saw all season.
The real question is, are you riding with us next year?
I would not miss it for anything.